History in Nantucket


Spent the weekend in Nantucket, where we took in some of the local historic sites. Unfortunately, this being off-season, most everything was closed! At least we got a good picture of me in front of Lucretia Coffin Mott‘s birthplace, just in time for my abolition unit in the U.S. Women’s History class.

1 thought on “History in Nantucket

  1. That picture made me smile. When I was twenty-something, I volunteered one week at an interdenominational summer camp in Durham NC. That year, each adult volunteer had charge of a mixed-age group of kids, and each group was given the name of a historical figure who was somehow involved in social justice to learn about (and teach the rest of the camp about). My group’s person was Lucretia Mott. We read picture books about Lucretia Mott, we drew pictures about her, and we even made up a cheer about her. I only remember the call and response–I hollered “Lucretia!” And the campers would reply “MottMottMottMottMottMottMottMott.”

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